Mitigate Risks with Oil and Gas Video Surveillance

Oil and gas companies have a responsibility to protect their employees, equipment, and the environment. remote video surveillance can help mitigate many of the risks associated with these industries. By installing remote security cameras, you can keep an eye on your property 24/7, no matter where you are in the world. A remote monitoring service can provide round-the-clock protection for your business.

Video cameras that are not connected to the internet: These provide clients with a new level of security by allowing them to view footage from an outside location, rather than storing it on a tape or server.

The safety procedures followed at oil and gas infrastructure must include remote-view video security cameras.

Remote-View Cameras: Security equipment that can send images offsite where they may be watched, rather than keeping them on tape or on a server.

Vast and often inaccessible regions are vulnerable to a number of threats, including sabotage, theft, desecration, equipment failure, fire, and other forms of human or mechanical interruption. Here’s how oil and gas video surveillance can help you mitigate these hazards.

Oil and Gas Surveillance with Video Security: Advantages

The energy sector is beset with numerous challenges that have nothing to do with economics. Industry operations are in a high-risk category, with risks ranging from human error to mechanical failure.

The complexity of these enterprises’ operations is only exacerbated by the vastness of their operations. Security measures must often integrate oil and gas well monitoring with miles of pipelines, power lines, and other infrastructure. These networks frequently traverse inaccessible, difficult terrain that is sometimes simply too far away to monitor on a regular basis.

Drones or human security visits on a regular basis reveal the truth of intermittent monitoring: The drone flies away and the person turns their back at some point. This poses a significant hazard that can only be reduced by remote-view surveillance camera systems. Here are several characteristics that distinguish current video cameras from older ones:

  • This means that IP cameras with solar panels can communicate from even the most remote locations.
  • Even during night or bad weather, digital cameras provide high-definition pictures.
  • Internet access, over even mobile data, allows for real-time viewing as well as a faster security response.
  • Outdoor cameras can benefit from camera housings that are tougher.
  • Equipment usage can be tracked in locations where people are not allowed to go.
  • Security and functionality of surveillance cameras may be secured through remote video monitoring, making them virtually tamperproof.
  • The cameras’ cloud-based software is always up to date since they are all permanently connected to the internet.
  • It’s possible to search archived video data more efficiently by employing sophisticated analytics.
  • You’ll never run out of server space thanks to limitless cloud storage for video files.

Here are a few of the advantages that can help you mitigate the hazards linked with the oil and gas sector:

1 Shooting and theft.

2 Human error, malfunctions, leaks, and explosions are all possible.

3 User error or security concerns.

4 Sabotage or terrorism.

The advantages of video surveillance for the oil and gas sector are self-evident. However, equipment for oil and gas monitoring must also overcome a variety of challenges, including bad connectivity, no electricity, lack of on-site servers, and extreme weather.

Oil and Gas Pipeline Surveillance: Best Video Security Features

Today, there are more oil and gas surveillance alternatives than ever before. Remote view security camera systems, which employ elements of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics, may differentiate between a human intruder and, say, a coyote. You’ll need an organization that provides the following services in order for you to have an airtight security system:

  • 1-year limited technical support and 24/7/365 equipment status monitoring to ensure camera operation
  • Off-site live monitoring of your remote security cameras is also available.
  • Tag the video footage for easy searchability using analytics.
  • Programmable alarm notifications for particular situations
  • Robust, long-lasting cameras that can handle tough conditions.
  • Solar-powered IP-enabled cameras that run without using any electricity when there is no electricity.

Vandalism or sabotage can be detected and recorded using IP-enabled video surveillance, ensuring that you catch criminals. Today’s threats may be high, but remote video surveillance cameras open up a whole new line of defense that pays for itself.

Video Surveillance Keeps the Oil and Gas Industry’s Miles of Pipeline Safe

“Interstate pipelines operate in remote and highly populated urban areas, and they are at risk of accidents, operational mistakes, and malicious physical and cyber-based attacks.” – GAO report

There are already 2.5 million miles of pipelines transporting oil, gas, or other hazardous stuff across the United States. New York Times said, there are now more than 9,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines being built or extended. Another 12,500 miles have been announced or permitted by governments around the world. The fact is that no amount of actual person presence can reasonably cover such a large area. Video surveillance technology, for example, may help extend monitoring efforts while also protecting consumers, workers, and the environment.

“Environmental activists, other cyber-attacks or intrusions by countries, and sabotage by environmental extremists have emerged as new pipeline hazards.” – GAO

How CCTV Monitoring Protects the Oil and Gas Industry

Our objective is also your goal: to provide a cost-effective security solution for all of your assets, no matter how distant or hard to access. Our team has a track record of keeping your property safe, whether it’s IP-enabled solar weather hardened cameras or remote live security monitoring. We can help you avoid being hacked, equipment failure, and even assist you in determining hazardous work habits that may increase your risk.

Contact us to learn more about how the CCTV Monitoring customized video networks can safeguard your oil and gas assets.

How to Mitigate Security Risks with Remote Video Surveillance

Businesses have a responsibility to protect their employees, customers, and property. One way to do that is through the use of remote video surveillance. By installing cameras in strategic locations, business owners can monitor activity 24/7/365. But what is the correct level of security for your company? In this blog post, we will discuss the different levels of security and how CCTV monitoring companies can help you mitigate security risks.

A static network of security cameras is ineffective in protecting property because it just records events. However, there are a variety of alternatives! A professional security monitoring business supplements video surveillance with eyes and ears on the ground, providing an additional layer of protection. The long-term ROI of onsite or remote security monitoring is good, although it may appear to be a cost. However, do you require an on-premises guard to keep your company secure?

This post will assist you in selecting a video security firm to safeguard your organization if you are searching for one.

What Should You Ask If You’re Considering Video Surveillance?

Installing cameras in a company location might be as challenging as running the firm itself. That’s not even taking into account selecting the cameras! Before making your selection, think about the following:

  • What is the important aspect of your company’s security that could be improved with video surveillance?
  • Are there any power sources that can be utilized at these sites, such as a service connection?
  • How long will the video surveillance recording need to be kept?
  • Who will be in charge of video surveillance and property security?
  • Do you require waterproof or tamper-proof cameras for outdoor usage?
  • Do any other systems need to be linked with the cameras?
  • Do you require onsite monitoring of your property security systems? What will be done if you need it?
  • Is it really necessary for the security team to be onsite, or might it be handled more efficiently from afar?
  • What are the advantages of having off-site monitoring of your business video surveillance system?

An onsite evaluation by a professional security firm can assist in determining the sort of video surveillance equipment required.

To complement their video surveillance equipment, a few businesses hire a full on-site security team. Consider the popular notion of a uniformed guard or two in a room monitoring bank of CCTV screens. Hiring a team of professional security experts might be a cost-effective alternative depending on the nature and size of your company.

What Is the Difference Between Onsite Security Teams and Offsite Surveillance?

A security company onsite is a necessary evil for financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and other at-risk enterprises and groups. Public short-term events also necessitate onsite security. But what about, for example, a car dealership or construction site concerned about maintaining their livelihood during off-hours?

Today’s tools highlight the inefficiencies of traditional security methods. Cloud technologies enable remote security personnel to keep an eye on a commercial video surveillance system and respond rapidly to an onsite issue. But how is it more efficient?

  • Price: According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary of an onsite security guard is $29,944. Even with remote monitoring by professionally trained security professionals, video surveillance cameras may be considerably less expensive than hiring a team to patrol your property.
  • Liability: You are responsible for the safety of your security guards if they’re on-site. Rather of confronting a possible intruder face-to-face, a remote guard can use cameras to inspect the issue from afar using remote video surveillance. Security experts may communicate and activate alarms remotely utilizing CCTV cameras without being exposed to potential harm by using remote video surveillance.
  • Coverage: What happens when the guard patrolling one section of the property and moving on to the next turns his back? Unless a large onsite security team is employed, they can’t be in each place at once. Remote monitoring allows security staff to keep track of what’s going on in all areas of the firm at the same time. Today’s sophisticated artificial intelligence-driven cameras may be programmed to recognize suspicious behavior, assisting and enhancing the security response.

On-site guards are sometimes required or desired. Nonetheless, with the technological tools accessible in commercial video surveillance systems, this is no longer the only choice. In reality, these tools can assist your on-site guards in doing their tasks more effectively and safely.

When hiring a video protection service, here are some things to look for

It’s not simple to choose the ideal video security firm for your organization. Choosing the correct collaboration and security plan comes with danger. When picking a video security firm, there are a number of factors to consider, including:

  • Is the company’s primary concern security? Companies that add security services to their core business may have options that are less costly. However, when your most important consideration is safety, which option is best for you?
  • Look for someone with a lot of expertise in the industry. Ask for references about the company’s reputation. Look online for evaluations. Were clients happy with the work?
  • Check to see if the firm is properly licensed and insured. What kind of liability coverage do they have? What warranties are there on their equipment? Watch out for low-cost security firms that may also provide low-quality service.
  • Is the firm capable of meeting your company’s demands? What types of video surveillance technology are available? Do they have both onsite security and remote monitoring? Is the business willing or able to meet your security needs?
  • What are the team’s qualifications? What kind of training do they get on a regular basis? How is the security staff held accountable by the firm?
  • Have they completed any commercial video installations? What is their level of technological progress?
  • Finally, consider the cost of the service and equipment. Is the firm chargeable for ongoing monitoring on a monthly or weekly basis? Are there additional services that the business offers for free?

A reputable, high-quality video security firm should have a long track record of success with clients. You can use this as a guide to choose the best partnership for your important business security requirements by asking the appropriate questions.

Businesses Need Comprehensive Video Security

The leading firm in comprehensive video security for businesses is CCTV Monitoring. We provide customized services to our customers. We provide airtight protection for any size business, from continuous monitoring to proactive prevention and 911 dispatching. Get in touch with us now.

5 Video Surveillance Myths Exposed

Video surveillance is an investment – but it’s essential to use the system as much of your time and energy as possible while getting a maximum return on that capital. That means knowing what your CCTV surveillance services can and can’t do.

Video surveillance is a great way to increase your safety and security, but it doesn’t always have the answers you’re looking for. Here are five common myths about video cameras that might surprise you. You’ll want to make sure you are using your system correctly and following physical security best practices, so read on!

  • Myth #1

Video surveillance camera systems are only used to catch criminals.

While it’s true that video surveillance systems are often used to catch criminals, this same technology can be put towards so much more.


Live surveillance monitoring systems can help business owners deter crime. They are also used for business purposes beyond security.

Intelligent video surveillance systems can deter crime by issuing powerful audio and visual deterrents. CCTV Monitoring uses these methods to successfully prevent 97% of all intruders before they can commit a crime. 

Beyond just providing crime deterrents, these systems help users with business use cases such as viewing footage to improve operations, project management and customer service.

  • Myth #2

Video surveillance systems lack the human element.

Security guards provide a sense of security for business owners and property. They are an excellent choice because they can be seen as reliable, dependable people in high-pressure situations. 

Live video surveillance systems complement an already robust security arsenal, providing that much anticipated human element too!


Remote video monitoring services, such as CCTV Monitoring, provide virtual security guard services –which are, in fact, live humans! With a security system installed, you can rest easy knowing that your property will be remotely monitored 24/7 by our trained professionals. Whether overnight or weekend coverage, we’ve got the perfect solution. They quickly identify suspicious activity and issue audible deterrents when needed, notifying authorities if they see fit. 

The powerful combination of human surveillance and video technology enables CCTV Monitoring to detect threats within 24 seconds and deter crime within 30 seconds. 

  •  Myth #3

Video surveillance systems are only helpful for long-term security needs.

There are various upfront costs associated with installing a fixed video surveillance system. You’ll need to invest time, resources, and budget on electrical cables and set up the infrastructure necessary for permanent cameras around your property or business site. 

Video surveillance systems are easy and cost-effective for solving long-term security needs. If you’re going to put in all that upfront work, it’ll be worth your while. You can get the most out of what’s been invested as long as there are benefits for both parties involved. 


Mobile video surveillance is perfect for temporary or other types of security needs. Mobile surveillance systems are self-contained units powered by solar panels, which can be implemented quickly and easily without requiring electricity or WiFi for connectivity.

With their ability to provide greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility while still being secure, soople choose this option!

We have your back for those who do not want or need long-term contracts but prefer an evergreen solution with minimal upfront costs.

  • Temporary security needs such as car dealership overflow lots and construction sites 
  • Remote locations, such as business growth facilities and oil fields 
  • Businesses want to broaden coverage but don’t want to extend their permanent infrastructure. 

The mobile nature of these units provides greater flexibility, allowing you to respond and adapt when security changes need to arise quickly.

  • Myth #4

Thermal imaging is best for securing the property at night.

The cameras with thermal imaging can help protect your company’s property at night by revealing any threats lurking nearby. Many businesses have turned to thermal imaging for perimeter defense with the recent rise in crime. However, this technology is not an effective tool for managing physical security across your business. 

Here’s why: Some people believe thermal imaging devices don’t provide any detail; all they see is a blob of color when an object is detected in the dark. 

The significant concern with these devices is that they can’t tell if the person on your property represents an authorized employee or not or if there is an intruder. The inability to identify a suspect is one of the most frustrating aspects of committing crimes on your property.


By using high-definition (HD) enabled cameras and adequate property lighting, you can better protect your business at night.

HD footage provides crystal clear visibility from afar and closes up. It helps you deter a crime before it happens or determine who committed one after-the-fact. If you want to make the most of your HD camera, there must be ample lighting on-site.

Motion sensor solar lights are a great way to provide light in areas without electricity. These devices work by detecting motion, perfect for use on your garage or front door. Solar lights are just as effective and often can be much cheaper than commercial floodlights. They’re available at your local hardware store!

  • Myth #5

Video surveillance systems are a “set it and forget it” technology.

The misconception that video surveillance can be implemented and forgotten is a significant problem.


Video surveillance systems must be able to adapt and incorporate the latest features while adapting to evolving threats landscape as new security risks emerge each day to provide you with a comprehensive security solution.

We get that you’re busy, and we know how difficult it can be to take the time needed for this critical task. The security of your home or business is our top priority. That’s why we’ve developed a variety of frameworks, tip sheets and checklists to make the process as easy for you as possible – from planning through installation. 

If you don’t see your industry on the list, that’s okay. The tips within each asset are generally applicable across verticals.

We are always here for you, no matter what. Reach out to us with any questions or concerns, and we will get back as soon as possible!

8 Ways to Prevent Construction Site Theft

Construction sites contain all sorts of materials and equipment that could be valuable, but they are often vulnerable to theft too.

To prevent construction site theft, you must take measures now.

Theft is a crime of opportunity, and construction theft should be no exception to this rule. If a site isn’t patrolled by security guards or high-value equipment isn’t locked down, then it’s just an easy target for criminals. Theft of small construction tools is a big problem, but high-ticket items like front-end loaders can also provide opportunities for theft.

Construction job sites were shut down, sometimes abruptly, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic to slow its spread. The empty and unmonitored areas made them an excellent target for thieves. For example, 

  • Unfinished homes were targeted for piping, water heaters, and complete appliance packages.
  • In Maryland, $4,500 of hand tools were stolen in one night.
  • The GPS computer worth $15,000 was stolen from an unsecured Caterpillar Motor Grader in Nebraska.
  • The trailer was broken into in Kansas, and thieves took almost $10K worth of hand tools.

Theft at construction sites can and does occur anytime. While these are just a sample of the incidents, it’s important to note that this would not typically be expected. Thefts can happen at any time and place, even without a pandemic or an empty lot.

Theft can happen to anyone, but it doesn’t have to be your downfall. Here are eight tools and strategies anyone could use to control theft happening at their site:

Construction Fencing

For CCTV monitoring construction sites, construction fencing is the old standby and the bare-minimum security requirement. The first line of defense is an ongoing effort to outthink the criminal element. Chain link fencing is great for preventing theft because it makes thieves visible from outside the site. To keep your fence line clear, remove any debris or plants that could provide a cover inside this type of barrier. If possible, the fences should be eight feet high, and “no trespassing” signs can dominate the area.

Perimeter Lighting

Perimeter lighting is another typical response to construction site surveillance, and it does help. To deter would-be thieves, it is essential to make sure that the perimeter of your property gets plenty of light. It will help you see what’s happening onsite during nighttime and discourage intruders from taking advantage by making their job harder in these dark corners where they’re most likely looking for easy prey. Motion lights are a great and affordable option for your home. With just one quick trip to the hardware store, you can purchase them for under $100!

Onsite Security Guards

Onsite security guards are one of the typical responses to prevent theft. The security guard will regularly patrol the property after hours to ensure that everything is safe and secure. Construction sites are magnets for criminals, who see them as easy pickings. Onsite security guards can provide a solid human presence at night when many construction site thefts occur. This may be out of reach for a smaller construction firm with limited finances as it is slightly an expensive option.

Key Control and Locking Bars

Locking bars are a great idea if you want to ensure that nobody messes with your valuable equipment. You can even anchor it after hours by cable or chain! When you’re out and about, it is good to remove any wires or batteries from your device for safety. Lowering the blades and buckets can help you immobilize your larger equipment. Some companies will even detach the battery’s wires so thieves can’t drive large equipment away with the cheap master key they purchased online. 

Video Surveillance

If you are working on a job site, video surveillance must be installed. The same goes for having liability insurance and workers’ compensation-you need both things to keep your crew safe during work hours. Locking up equipment and fencing can be expensive, but these tools might come in handy. Hand tools are excellent for security, but you must be careful about copper piping in new builds. You can use mobile surveillance cameras to watch over your property if it’s not protected by keypad locks or another form of closure. 

Virtual Security Guards

Virtual security guards are a more modern and advanced version of the old reliable rent-a-cop. Your business can be safer and more secure with remote monitoring of your site, including 24/7 surveillance. With a fully monitored remote bank of screens, you can ensure that your place is safe, even off-site, rather than a physical presence on the job site after hours. Your facility is monitored at a very reasonable cost without exposing you to the liability of foot patrols. With a virtual security guard, you’ll never have to worry about their physical safety. They can zoom in with any camera and see everything going on close-up! Next, the camera can be used to engage potential criminals by having a conversation with them. The police will be sent out to scare off intruders with their lights flashing and loud alarms. 

Tool Tracking Processes

Good tool tracking processes ensure that every tool is used, put back in its proper place and stays there. It is always essential for businesses, especially construction companies and other firms who deal with large equipment, such as power tools or heavy-duty trucks, to take care of their hand tools. It will help cut down costs and increase productivity by ensuring that each tool lasts longer. With most of these sites, employees punch in and out so you can keep track of their productivity. You should set up a similar system for your tools or materials too! Inventorying your equipment and then tracking its usage help you to ensure they don’t disappear. The process can help you understand which tools and equipment last the longest, given their wear-and tear. It could inform your buying decisions in the future for sure! The primary benefit is to ensure those tools stick around long enough to wear out.

Employee Background Checks

To ensure your organization is safe, it’s essential to perform background checks on all employees. You can’t protect yourself from an unscrupulous employee if all of the technology, fencing and security presence in this world won’t.

Hiring the best construction teams is critical to ensure that your valuable property will be protected. Background checks are a crucial aspect of the process, so you have to ensure that every worker who comes to your site for work has been vetted. Construction managers often find it difficult to hire employees, but some take the “no questions asked” approach.

From a security perspective, this is very dangerous. The last thing you want is for an employee who understands the inner workings of your job site. So he can come back later and use that knowledge to commit a crime. Performing a background check may seem unnecessary and expensive, but the reality is that without it, you will never know what is lurking in your household or workplace.

Consider employing as many of these security techniques as possible – if not all. Construction site theft is a massive problem for construction businesses. They can’t afford to make site security one of their priorities. 

Protect Your Job Site with CCTV Monitoring

Did you know that it’s easier to protect your construction site than recover stolen equipment and property? CCTV Monitoring works with construction managers and owners to craft the perfect prevention program for job site security. To ensure the safety of your property, workforce and customers you serve- we are a leading video surveillance company.

Call us today to sleep a little better tomorrow.!

Reasons Why Remote Video Monitoring (RVM) Is Important

Live remote CCTV camera monitoring incorporates a trained security team’s eyes, ears, and decision-making capabilities. 

When you’re away on vacation or otherwise occupied for hours of the day, these teams use your video surveillance cameras to monitor from corner to border carefully.

Your CCTV cameras help prosecute the bad guys after a crime is committed. Imagine a world where you could monitor your security cameras 24/7, quickly identify who is committing crimes and stop them before they get started. That’s the benefit of remote video monitoring.

What is Remote Video Monitoring?

Imagine a world where you can keep an eye on your home, business, or office. This dream becomes a reality with remote video monitoring as virtual security guards are connected to all of your cameras through an internet connection. With the help of advanced technology, your footage is transformed into a live stream in real-time that is seen and heard by security professionals. Thanks to his networked cameras, the guard is always aware of what’s happening around him. He can take action immediately if there are any perceived problems with the footage they capture and analyze it later. 

With a camera system, you can view footage of events in real-time and respond accordingly. The cameras will also help minimize losses by deterring criminals before committing their crimes. It is one of the reasons why many businesses are investing heavily in CCTV networks. Investing in this service is like hiring an additional security team for your home. They will stop criminals from targeting you and protect all of those investments that are so important to you!

How Can Remote Video Monitoring Stop Crime from Happening?

You can watch your business with video surveillance when you’re not around. Video surveillance systems that use remote monitoring technology are more effective than static ones because they capture every detail of what happens in real-time. With a remote video monitoring system, you can get real-time action on your static surveillance.

Live remote video monitoring is an innovative security service that includes trained professionals’ eyes, ears, and decision-making capabilities. Video cameras are the most effective way to keep your home and business safe. These teams use these surveillance systems to monitor every corner of the property carefully, but that’s not all!

Modern video surveillance cameras are more intelligent than older analog models. They have security features that a live remote team can control to keep your business safe and secure. For example, a remote guard takes control of your business’s camera and zooms in on the actions of trespassers, so you don’t have to get up. Suppose a trespasser is found on private property. In that case, they can use audio and visual deterrents to question them or make an intimidating booming voice recording that says the police have been dispatched. Intruders will be scared off by the flashing bright lights of your home. You can remotely monitor this from anywhere in town with a video monitoring service!

Will your CCTV system do this? Why would these tactics even be necessary?

Criminal hackers are becoming more determined than ever before. They don’t just go after the money but even the supplies and infrastructure that make up your business. 

  • A report by Business Insider reports that due to the high prices of lumber, people are turning towards black market sources for raw materials. Lumber theft is on the rise. In recent months, the number of reports from construction sites, lumber yards, and even logging trucks has skyrocketed.
  • The cost of plumbing materials has skyrocketed because they’re in short supply. The copper price rose 75%, steel pipe went up 138% over the last eight months, and the hot-rolled coil is skyrocketing with an increase that’s almost 80%. It has created a new market for theft. Pipe theft is a massive problem for heating and cooling companies. In one example, cast iron pipes were stolen right off plumbing company property. 

Imagine if these companies had used a live remote video monitoring service, they could have caught the criminals before leaving their property. The criminals never stood a chance when faced with the security guard who sounded alarms and even interacted. The off-site live police could have arrived in time to stop these attacks, but none of this happened. 

Is Live Remote Video Monitoring a good option than a Live On-Site Security Guard?

Live security guards are an ineffective and pricey way to protect your business.

“If you’ve seen a movie where the guard was asleep on his shift (usually in front of video monitors), then it’s not too hard figuring out why this is such a problem for companies.”

Who will be monitoring your live security guard at 2 am? While the security guard is strolling your property, what’s happening at the other end before they can get there? What are the risks you expose your guard to, particularly if they face a desperate criminal? These are all valid concerns if you are into a live on-site guard service.

But what if you don’t have to worry about these problems? You could hire our remote video monitor service! For example, with this great option:

  • With remote video monitoring, you’ll never have to worry about staff members falling asleep. Multiple people take turns watching over them and making sure they stay awake.
  • Imagine if you could watch over your property at any time, even when it’s empty. A remote video monitoring system does just that – it monitors all nooks and crannies in real-time with UHD clarity!
  • The company’s remote security guards are not at fault if they run into a desperate criminal in the early hours of dawn.

The use of live guards is becoming less popular in today’s world. With the advances made by modern technology, there are new ways to keep an eye on your location with video surveillance. 

Video surveillance cameras and systems have been around for a long time, but now they’re more important than ever. With the rise of real-time monitoring and remote access to cameras, companies, big or small, keep an eye on what’s happening throughout their property without missing anything!

How Remote Video Monitoring Boosts the Effectiveness of Video Surveillance Equipment?

Imagine the relief you would feel knowing that your business is safe from criminals, no matter where they are. When combined with today’s powerful IP cameras and remote security presence of CCTV Monitoring Systems, agents are monitoring 24/7 to detect suspicious activity within 30 seconds or less!

With our live remote video monitoring service, 97% of intruders are detected before they can commit their crimes. Our high-tech video surveillance equipment is more than just a recording device. We use it to keep tabs on everything in your area and respond quickly when something goes wrong. 

Is Remote Video Monitoring Expensive When Compared to Live Security Guards?

Imagine the savings possible with remote video monitoring! Depending on what service you choose, it can be as much as 50% cheaper than hiring a live security guard. You’re on the hook for paying security guards’ hourly rates, which usually include licensing and insurance rolled into their services. You should expect to pay more for this service depending on the location, time of day and experience level of your guard. You could be paying $75 per hour or even higher!

 In contrast, CCTV Monitoring offers remote video monitoring service at a low monthly subscription rate that includes:

  • Audio and visual deterrents
  • Mobile application
  • Camera health monitoring
  • Video analytics

If you want to know more about remote video monitoring, contact our expert team at CCTV Monitoring.

Why Surveillance Cameras Are Important For Your Business?

Today’s high-tech, artificially intelligent surveillance cameras capture footage of crime as it happens and provide a wealth of information to help solve crimes.

Security cameras are an essential way to deter crime and ensure the safety of your business. Remote CCTV Monitoring services lessen the risk to your business.  

The Risk of Moving Without Remote Video Monitoring

Surveillance cameras are a security measure that can help solve crimes, deter criminals and reduce legal liability. You might think that having cameras set and forgetting is enough, but what happens if you don’t have any? You will never know when an intrusion has taken place. Businesses are not protected from property crime, and the unfortunate truth is that this trend is continuously rising.

The construction industry is most at risk in 2022 with the supply chain crunch increasing prices for materials.

Here are a few recent examples from prior weeks:

  • Two men in Fort Myers, Florida, were caught on camera driving away from a construction site with their truck full of plywood. They are since charged with theft and could face more charges as the investigation continues.
  • In Minoa, New York–thousands of dollars worth of construction equipment was stolen from a locked trailer at an abandoned job site with police still investigating surveillance footage. The suspects didn’t venture far: they’re believed to have been watching from nearby homes.
  • Two trespassers were charged with more than $5,000 (CAD) damages while breaking into a construction site.
  • In a shocking case of theft, thieves stole an entire $14,000 fiberglass swimming pool from a construction site in Australia.

The two criminals who got caught were captured on camera first, giving their victims concrete proof of who was responsible. There are many ways to recover from a swimming pool accident, but some plywood might have already been sold, and the CAD 5k in damage still needs repair. The equipment may be pawned or off somewhere by now- who knows?

In all of the above cases, it would have been much better if the criminals were stopped from stealing or damaging anything before they could do any more harm. That’s where CCTV remote monitoring comes into play. Using remote CCTV monitoring, you can have a virtual guard that will dispatch police if needed or sound an alarm on-site. Services like CCTV Monitoring can respond within seconds of an intrusion being detected.

The thieves in Australia were about to rob a pool when alarms went off and told them they were being recorded. The crime would likely have been stopped right there if this had happened. You’re thinking, “security cameras just record crime, and they don’t stop it from happening.”

With today’s high-tech, artificially intelligent surveillance cameras doing more than capturing footage of crime as it happens, we can finally end outdated CCTV systems.

Thanks to modern surveillance tools, you can keep an eye on your property without missing anything. These devices use audio and visual deterrents that will cause criminals to run away before they steal or damage anything. 

Security cameras are a critical part of any business. Not just to deter crime but also to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently in your office or home.

The Importance of Surveillance Cameras

Today’s systems have evolved from simply watching to actively stopping crime by providing valuable information about what happened in an area. We are concerned with the term “surveillance camera” because it implies these tools are there just for observation when they play a much more intricate role today.

The University of North Carolina sought to prove that surveillance cameras are an effective way to deter crime. 

The researchers behind this study interviewed 400 incarcerated burglars and found that:

  • When the alarm sounded during an attempted burglary, one-half would give up and run away.
  • Criminals say that the most effective crime deterrents are surveillance cameras and alarms.

The benefits of installing video surveillance in parking lots are more than apparent. One study showed that crime was reduced by over 50% when cameras were installed.

These two studies illustrate the importance of security cameras for your business. The cost of deterring criminals is often much less than the damage they cause, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Benefits Beyond Crime Deterrence

But the benefits don’t end there! New technology has made our security cameras even more effective at protecting assets, and they provide us with all sorts of other cool features.

  • Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a revolutionary way to connect your cameras wirelessly through the internet. With this new technology, you or your security team can view what’s happening in front of the camera with real-time updates. Imagine being out to dinner when your phone alerts you with a security alert. You can access the cameras in your business, but that’s not all. 

  • Mobile Apps

Mobile apps have been introduced to allow you to interact with on-site video surveillance from your cell phone or another digital device. These tools let you check the high-definition footage on your cameras and even tilt or pan unique camera angles to understand better what’s happening. Monitoring the camera status, you can also check on how to arm or activate security features of your business from a sunny beach halfway across this beautiful globe!

  • Microphones and Speakers

Microphones and speakers are the eyes and ears of your surveillance system. Adding two-way communication features to video feeds only makes them more effective in providing information about what’s happening around you. Imagine you’re a criminal trying to break into someone’s house and suddenly, the voice of an unknown person comes booming out. Wouldn’t this make your heart beat faster? The surveillance cameras with audio deterrents are an excellent way to ask questions or inform the miscreant you’ve called the police. They can be wired, so they trigger an alarm, too. Visual features are a vital part of the video surveillance system. The bright flashing lights and other tactics help startle intruders, making your home and office safe again!

  • Night Vision

Night vision is an essential addition to any surveillance system. The criminal element thrives in darkness, so it’s best if we can at least see what they’re up to after-hours. It’s a well-known fact that many businesses use lighting to illuminate hidden corners of parking lots and garages. The quality of your footage will vary depending on the conditions. You need to ensure that it is clear and HD under dim lighting or adverse weather. 

It is easy to analyze why security cameras are crucial for any business with these features. Video surveillance can provide various benefits for your business, from preventing crime to ensuring the safety and security of employees. The following four ways will depict how:

The benefits of surveillance systems are many and varied. Still, they all have in common that they help deter crime by making it more difficult for criminals to operate without notice. But what does that mean exactly? 

1. Cameras can capture the physical details of the criminal.

The picture is enough to identify the person. If a judge or jury needs more than just an identifying characteristic, they should look at their license plate number. When a criminal doesn’t care about flashing lights, alarms, or any voice telling them their illegal activity is being recorded, you’ve got loads of video evidence for the police when locking them up.

2. Your insurance carrier is likely to be pleased to know you’ve installed video surveillance.

Insurance companies are always on the lookout for ways to cut costs. It’s no surprise, then, that they may offer discounts depending upon your surveillance system needs. They help deter crime, but that’s not all. Video surveillance is not just good for you, but it can also help protect against false liability claims by customers. It means that video monitoring would benefit both parties involved in an insurance transaction. (It is recommended to check with your insurance provider to see if they reduce rates for security systems.)

3. Modern surveillance systems eliminate the expense of a traditional alarm system.

Many of today’s WiFi-enabled cameras come equipped with artificial intelligence, motion sensors and alerts that go right on your phone. The best ones also offer analytics and audiovisual deterrents. The whole system is more affordable than an outdated alarm company because it has all these features integrated into the cameras.

4. You check up on multiple properties at once.

It is instant peace of mind for landlords and business owners to finally get a handle on what’s happening at their multiple properties with immediate access to real-time video footage.

You can rest assured that we’ll have eyes on the entire property when needed most. (We offer 24/7 monitoring solutions and more flexible hours, so you only pay for what you require.)


Video surveillance cameras have become an essential tool in fighting crime. They provide law enforcement with the ability to monitor public spaces. They give businesses peace of mind knowing that their properties will be protected by footage at any given time. 

With the world’s most effective crime deterrent at your fingertips, there is no need to worry about safety! CCTV Monitoring provides consulting and installation services for video surveillance systems. Would you like to start the conversation with our team? Our affordable packages are made for any size of business. When it comes the time your sleeping pattern needs some improvement, why don’t we talk about how we can solve this problem.!

4 Types of Businesses Requiring Smart Surveillance Systems

To stay one step ahead of criminals, companies are increasingly using security analytics. These software programs can be found in today’s smart surveillance systems. 

With intelligent security systems, we already see their use in places like banks and correctional facilities.

The lack of security at some businesses and organizations is a serious issue, despite evidence that it poses risks to those working there. How are the newer and cooler technologies helping companies stay ahead in a competitive market?

You should invest in smartremote camera surveillance equipment for your business.

Smart BANK Surveillance Cameras

Commercial bank robberies in the U.S have increased by more than 50% over this past year, with 2160 occurring last 2019 and 1338 reported cases for 2020. 

  • AI controls activate video surveillance when a perimeter is breached.

The data can trigger behavior in the technology itself. Amid business hours, customers coming in and out of a bank shouldn’t be an issue. Smart cameras can record this data but not respond because they’re too busy dealing with things like recording security videos or deterring crime. The most popular use for an intelligent surveillance system is to monitor the safety and well-being of those who live in your home. But what happens when you need it during times outside regular business hours? It helps in deterring crime!

  • Smart bank surveillance cameras track human behaviors.

The bank security cameras will ensure that any activity is trapped and can flag problems before they arise. For example, there are people outside of our bank taking pictures or just watching the building because they want to know about what goes on inside and repeat visits by someone who isn’t a customer. 

  • Bank surveillance cameras today are proactive.

Data analytics is a potent tool for businesses because it can spot trends well before humans notice.

The use of analytics can effectively combat cash harvesting and other crimes that involve stealing funds from ATMs. The software within bank security cameras can monitor when customers are spending too much time at the ATM.

Combining virtual security guards and bank surveillance cameras makes for a more challenging environment. The data analytics these provide can generate new ways to battle criminals, making this an effective tool in fighting against them.

Intelligent Church Surveillance for a Safer Environment

We have seen an increase in violent crimes at our houses of worship. It should be rare, but it seems like this problem is becoming more and more common as time goes on. Many people are unaware that while the most tragic and shocking incidents of violence dominate media attention, many more minor cases occur at places of worship every week. The data shows that, on average, 480 incidents happen each year.

 It’s a severe problem requiringvideo surveillance monitoring companies for church security camera systems with powerful, innovative software to mitigate risks.

We recommend these four best practices for houses of worship such as churches, synagogues, or temples.

  • Establishing one or two entry/exit points monitored by church security cameras.
  • Increase the outdoor lighting, even in the parking lot.
  • Remove the thick growth of shrubs or hiding spots from around windows.
  • Double-check the security of your locks on windows and doors.

Members of your church can have a greater sense of security by using a video surveillance system. The security of your church is backed up by powerful camera intelligence, which can spot vandals on a Friday night when the church building is closed. The church security camera system is a powerful tool to keep your building and property safe from inside and outside, such as the parking lot. The analytics of this device spot trends so that crime can be curbed before it occurs, ensuring no one will get hurt or robbed. 

DATA CENTER Surveillance

Our world is increasingly digitized, and data center surveillance has become critical to almost anyone using computers today. Downtime is afoot! Datacenter surveillance with smart video monitoring can help you avoid the risks of external threats that might lead to downtime. 

Datacenter surveillance tools are an essential part of any data center’s security system. 

They track egress to and from the facility, working 24/7. Video surveillance can protect more than just your servers, hardware and software. It also protects your staff members and visitors to the facility. 

  • Smart data center surveillance monitoring flag an entry into the facility after hours.
  • Facial recognition tools determine if a contractor is on the approved vendor list.
  • Sophisticated data analytics track the patterns of behavior in and around the facility. 
  • Data centers help keep an eye on your parking lot. For example, if a vehicle with unrecognized license plates circles the parking lot regularly, data center surveillance tools may pick up on this pattern. Sound the alarm! If a sound exceeds this volume, it will generate an alert in text or email format to alert a human caretaker. 

With data center surveillance tools, you can extend the reach of your existing security teams to monitor and protect facilities. Data centers are often sprawling facilities covering a lot of ground. You’ll never have to worry about missing anything again with intelligent surveillance systems. These high-tech devices can record and monitor all activity around facilities 365 days a year. 

HOSPITAL Video Surveillance

Hospitals have been integrating video surveillance with access control for years now, and it’s becoming increasingly popular as a way to protect their campuses. The use of video surveillance in hospitals has become more widespread to monitor and analyze risks. Security teams are now using the technology to get automatic alerts from these systems, providing them with valuable information about potential hazards or issues within their facilities. They produce crystal-clear color images of activity across the hospital campus, even in low light conditions and adverse outside weather. The intelligent video analytics software can help you eliminate the requirement of monitoring your cameras 24/7. Hospital video surveillance software can provide reliable event notifications, flagging any activities that could pose risks.

Hospital video surveillance is more than just a means of observing people in your hospital; it’s also an excellent way to provide physical evidence to help you solve any problems or disputes regarding access rights. It makes conducting investigations much more manageable. Motion detection is enabled in intelligent hospital video surveillance; it can automatically turn on lights and recording devices if something happens during specific time frames. With the advanced technology of this alarm system, patients, visitors and staff are protected from intruders. It can be done through alerts such as audible or visible signals that will scare them away, so nobody gets hurt. 

CCTV Monitoring Smart Surveillance Systems

CCTV monitoring offers a variety of solutions for businesses looking to extend their reach and mitigate risk. Whether you need surveillance at the bank, hospital or construction site, we have smart systems that will work well with your needs! We offer solutions for every industry, tailored to your needs and integrated with today’s security systems. Contact us today to see how we can make your business thrive.

Why Your Business Needs Monitored Security

When many businesses search for ways to protect their assets and optimize operations, they turn towards Monitored Security services. With high competition in today’s market, you must find the best company possible if your business wants protection from harm without breaking through budget constraints. 

Monitored Security’s round-the-hour Security and other essential solutions are rendered through modern technology with remote services. Businesses are looking for more innovative and efficient ways to prevent crime on their premises and create a safe environment for workers. They want tools to help them protect vital business assets from theft or destruction while also protecting the people who enter these facilities every day. As a result, we’re seeing more businesses utilize the power of Remote video surveillance monitoring with more robust business security. You focus on running your company and outsourcing the burden of managing it yourself. After all, in this day & age, no one wants to worry about their safety!

Businesses have been switching to Monitored Security solutions for several reasons, and we’ll explore some significant benefits that come with this type of service. Why Monitored Security?

You may be interested in learning more about monitored Security, or you could want to see what signs indicate when it’s time for a new system.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What is Monitored Security?
  • There’s been criminal activity in your business
  • False alarms are becoming a nuisance!
  • Your business insurer needs sufficient security coverage
  • Your business is changing or growing
  • You’re looking to outsource your security needs and cut costs
  • How to get started with Monitored Security- CCTV camera remote monitoring

What is Monitored Security?

Monitored Security provides a range of services to keep your property safe and sound, including 24/7 monitoring. The company’s cutting-edge technology combined with expertly trained staff will ensure that you never have an issue with their watch. It is a problem that has long existed in business security. Businesses often use systems such as intruder alarms and CCTV systems, but they can’t communicate, which leaves some vulnerabilities for hackers to take advantage of. Guards frequently monitor the premises of businesses to ensure that they remain in compliance.

Your business must implement a security system to stay ahead of the game. Security technology advances have made this possible through more intelligent systems and better integration with other aspects of an enterprise’s operations, such as remote access for managing remotely-based devices or even employees who may need limited access rights. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an evolving landscape for businesses to maintain their safety and operations. Video as a Service (VaaS) solutions has increased by up to 30% in Europe since the COVID-19 pandemic, with most people now working from home. 

Organizations now rely on professional remote security monitoring services that offer more comprehensive coverage, quicker response times and better cost-efficiency. The days of an afterthought for security monitoring are over. It has become a core consideration in Business Security Systems. 

Here are five of the most common signs of needing Monitored Security.

There’s been criminal activity in your business.

With all the available information on crime, it’s no wonder that many people turn to us for help. We usually get calls from customers who have been victims of break-ins or intrusions at their business and employee theft. In 2019, 18% of overall retail shrinkage came from crime targeting suppliers and warehouses – costing retailers $2.2 billion in lost revenue. The cost of cybercrime in the US is likely to be somewhere around $1 trillion, which could significantly affect all businesses. It doesn’t even factor in disrupted supply chains or damage caused by hackers. 

The importance of time cannot be understated in the prevention and interruption of crimes against your business. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate any delay between an alarm being triggered and a response taken for it. By using monitored Security, you can reduce the likelihood of a crime being successful or criminals getting away before police arrive.

In many cases, when an alarm is triggered, onsite guards will need to investigate and take the appropriate course of action. It could include calling the police if necessary. In this situation, either the business owner or manager makes an offsite contact, who then has to travel out for them to investigate. The criminals would have all the time they need in either case. Monitored Security connects your security system to an alarm response center where highly trained operators can more quickly determine if a crime occurs on the premises. Then alerts the authorities. 

The police must place a higher priority on confirmed alarm signals that can only come from professional ARCs. In 2021, the ECHO network was set up, which is a system that connects police forces in the US to receive digital alarm signal transmissions from approved Alarm Receiving Centres (ARCs). These centers will then forward them directly for dispatching. ECHO’s Intrusion Alarm Systems features can improve ARCs’ efficiency and police response times in emergencies. The company estimates that its intrusion alarms save up to 4 minutes on an average per call, which could prove critical during an incident. 

There is never a gap in your security coverage with CCTV Monitoring. Both our ARCs are ECHO-connected, and we operate 24 hours per day, 365 days a year, so you can always rely on us for protection!

False alarms are becoming a nuisance.

When you’re responsible for responding to triggered alarm signals, it’s not uncommon that any false alarms will be a nuisance. You might think that overly sensitive detectors only cause false alarms. Still, in reality, there is anything from an animal entering your premises (certainly if it has an outside area), a fault with the Intruder Alarm or CCTV system or due to an overly sensitive detector. False alarms can become quite tedious and time-consuming, especially when a customer has avoided activating their alarm system. In some cases, they even result in a fine from local authorities.

Nowadays, with the help of advanced technology and procedures for verification, it is easy for monitored security services to determine whether an alarm signal was false or if there is a need to investigate. This way, our operators can focus on confirmed incidents specifically. The information gathered by modern CCTV systems helps our operators identify and outline the cause of a trigger when signals are sent to verify what is happening in real-time visually.

The false alarms that occur when an alarm is triggered can have detrimental effects and cause a nuisance. It is reported in the US press about how false fire alarms became so regular that students within a building admitted they ignored their safety at risk of being fooled by these misleadingly signify activating them. Thankfully no one was seriously injured in the fire. Have you ever waited for a fire alarm to finish rather than immediately leaving your location? We offer a wide range of services to help keep your business safe, including fire detection CCTV systems and intruder alarms.

The following signs will expand our consideration of Monitored Security from security-specific needs to other business and operational considerations. We know that business security plays a vital role in helping your company’s operations.

Your business insurer requires sufficient security coverage.

Insurance brokers and insurers often require a certain level of Security to be in place on your premises for your business. Specific security measures can be taken to protect against various threats. These may include CCTV, remote video surveillance monitoring, and intruder alarms, which provide a graded scale of protection depending on their use in your business or home. Your insurer may insist that you implement Monitored Security in certain circumstances. Alternatively, they may offer you a more competitive premium cost if it’s in place. Your premises will benefit from this enhanced level of protection, and so do we!

We have a thorough understanding of the requirements of insurers concerning business security, which can often be confusing. We offer all kinds of support and guidance you need on how to navigate any obstacles in front or ahead – just let us know what type of assistance will best suit each situation!

Your business is growing or changing.

Businesses are constantly evolving, and you need to be ready for change. The best way to ensure a safe and efficient environment for your business is with Monitored Security. With our monitored service, you can rest easy knowing that someone will be there if anything goes wrong!

Businesses need to expand their warehouse facilities because they’re holding onto more stock due to the COVID-19 supply chain issues. It means they have more assets to protect and requires them to relocate or take up new properties. Monitored Security can keep your business safe and sound by providing a scalable solution that doesn’t require any expensive changes. We’ll help resolve potential problems caused when moving or operating multiple locations because we offer quick implementation with no downtime for service interruption during this process.

Businesses need to change how they function and operate, and the most common way that happens is through remote or hybrid working. If people are now working on your site less often, this may make the premises more appealing to potential intruders, but with professional security monitoring, you’ll be covered.

Monitored security services can provide a safer environment by keeping track of who is coming and going while also fulfilling duties for access management so that authorized people or vehicles still have easy entry when they need it without staff on site.

You’re looking to outsource your security needs and save on costs.

The need for security guards is rapidly declining with the advent of monitored professional services that can fulfill all duties once reserved for physical onsite staff. It can be an excellent opportunity for businesses looking to outsource their security needs. The professional ARCs can do more than react when an alarm is triggered. They can proactively monitor their clients’ environments for potential security threats. 

You can use CCTV monitoring to do a virtual guard tour of your premises and see how well-maintained it is. Traditionally, the first thing security guards used to do when they’re onsite is to look out for any untoward occurrences. Now, operators can use CCTV images to identify criminals safely. The added benefit of this is that they won’t have any trouble if there’s an intrusion, and the event is recorded for later review or investigation purposes. 

Monitored Security provides people and vehicles peace of mind with remote access control. Gates, barriers and doors are all there for when you need them. Whether somebody is physically onsite or not, they can be accessed any time of day. Video safeguarding can provide a second layer of protection for any staff who must work alone on your site, like if they’re responsible for opening and closing.

With these services, you can imagine a world where your security provider is an extension of the team, helping you not just protect but also run your site. Monitored Security offers many services to help your business reduce its security costs. One way is by providing an alternative that can be more cost-effective, such as replacing physical guards with monitored ones. We’ve seen some customers reduce their costs by up 60%.

How to get started with Monitored Security?

Whether you’re looking to enhance and upgrade an existing system or start from scratch, the key is finding a company with experience in Business Security. They should consider the overall makeup of their business security, which includes things like CCTV systems or Intruder Alarm Systems to provide complete protection. The Monitored Security feature is like the glue that can help to bring everything together cohesively.

We offer a range of services to meet all your needs, from intrusion alarms and CCTV systems. We can also install fire detection systems and access control systems for you to be adequately protected! Knowing the signs of needing it means that you can plan and make full use of its capabilities in your business. If you’re interested in learning more about monitored Security or how it works, click here. You can also talk with one of our friendly team members today!

CCTV Monitoring and How It Works?

CCTV Monitoring is an excellent way to guarantee your business’ safety and efficiency. The article will explain what it does, how you can get started with installing one at home or in the office (or both!), and some potential benefits for businesses that want peace of mind when they’re away from work! 

CCTV Monitoring services have become critical components of business infrastructures. They’re helping organizations enhance business security, create safer spaces, and optimize operations.

 The systems that support businesses have always needed to adapt and evolve. The COVID-19 pandemic is one example of how system changes can be required for a business’s survival. 

Today’s business environment is one where security technology, services and solutions play a crucial role in helping to keep businesses moving forward safely and efficiently.

This article will focus on live CCTV Monitoring, a vital part of Monitored Security. Combining the latest CCTV technology with professional security monitoring services is a great way to find new opportunities and innovations. We’ll cover: 

  • What is CCTV Monitoring? 
  • How does CCTV Monitoring work, and what do you need to enable it? 
  • Intruder Alarm Monitoring with Video Verification 
  • Remote Guarding Services and Remote Access 
  • How to implement CCTV Monitoring into your Business Security plan?

What is CCTV Monitoring?

CCTV monitoring connects your business security to a professional team of operators who are available 24/7 for any emergency. With this service, you can sleep soundly, knowing the Alarm Response Centre (ARC) will be there if anything happens!

Integrated solutions like these can amplify the effectiveness and efficiency of your security strategy by helping to provide 24/7 coverage, alarm verification (which helps reduce false alarms), and quicker response times. They also offer services that physical on-site guards traditionally fulfilled, such as site tours or access control.

CCTV monitoring is an excellent way to reduce your annual security costs. Not only will it reduce or even replace reliance on physical guarding services, but our customers have seen savings of more than 60%. The latest CCTV, video surveillance and monitoring technology have probably advanced more than any other security system. Businesses of all sizes are now adopting the latest technology in video surveillance. 

They are eager to take full advantage of modern systems that provide better cameras, cloud-video surveillance and rich data from the footage.

When push comes to shove, events when an alarm is triggered often require human intervention. These can be either investigated or acted upon if they are confirmed warnings. It is essential to understand that CCTV Monitoring brings together the benefits of technological advances with highly trained security operatives. We’ll show you how CCTV monitoring works and what your business needs to get started with this security service.

How does CCTV Monitoring work? What do you need to use it?

CCTV Monitoring’s remote alarm response center allows you to connect with security personnel who can help cover your business 24/7. The team will provide vital support in case of emergency or if there is any other unexpected issue that arises. 

Quickly identifying and isolating alarms is a critical component of any well-designed security system.

A Monitored Security approach offers this advantage through the use of monitoring services that are designed specifically for businesses, including CCTV Monitoring.

CCTV monitoring is an excellent way for business owners in the US. They can choose from two main options when it comes to how this service works, which we’ll talk about below!

  • Connecting Intruder Alarm and CCTV systems to a professional ARC: When an intruder alarm is triggered, it sends a signal to the ARC where you can use sequential information. The ARC is a revolutionary new tool that will revolutionize how law enforcement handles security footage. The device can be used by operators to review video footage from different angles and even share details with police in real-time.
  • Connecting a detector-activated CCTV system to a professional ARC: In this instance, a CCTV system is installed to detect and deter intruders and surveillance cameras. The Detector-Activated Video Security System combines both roles of intrusion alarms and video surveillance. With a CCTV alarm system, operators can monitor security footage in real-time. They’ll be able to view an incident and share details with critical holders or the police immediately. 

The first option is the most common, where both an alarm system and CCTV cameras are installed. It can be done through professional monitoring services by a security company that will provide 24/7 support. The first option is more readily available than the second one, which requires additional detail, equipment and design.

What do you need to enable CCTV Monitoring?

There are three key points to consider when looking into CCTV monitoring.

  • Installing the right technology
  • Obtaining a Unique Reference Number (URN) for your site for police response
  • Working with a professional security installer

The right technology is a must for any business, and the first thing you want to do is ensure your CCTV system can communicate with a professional ARC. The most modern systems can be connected to remote security monitoring centers. To stay ahead of the game, you should consider upgrading your system if it is older and cannot connect. For those considering upgrading their existing business security systems or installing a new one entirely, this may be the best time to talk about monitored solutions because they now offer even more significant benefits than before.

Professional Monitored Security Systems are an excellent way for businesses of any size to ensure their safety and security. These professionally installed systems require that the company have an appropriate level of accreditation, which will be monitored as part of its compliance with emergency services if anything happens. It is the case for our company at, CCTV Monitoring which is based in the US. 

Lastly, to benefit from police response when there’s a confirmed alarm, your system needs a Unique Reference Number (URN). The URN can be obtained by contacting the local police authorities. Don’t worry; we have a team of security experts waiting to help you through the whole process. They’ll ensure that everything is covered and taken care of along this journey!

Alarm Monitoring with Video Verification

We previously mentioned that Alarm Monitoring is one of the most important reasons most businesses choose monitored security. It is a brief introduction to CCTV monitoring and how it can be used as an additional tool in your company’s arsenal.

Alarm monitoring is a system where the signals from your intrusion alarm or detector-enabled CCTV are sent to a professional ARC expert who will be able to detect any intruders. Sequential verification is a process where security monitoring service providers use what’s known as Sequentially Arranged vigilantes to confirm if an alarm signal is related and genuine – like somebody breaking into your building.

Sequential verification is looking for specific patterns in alarm triggers that are common in real-life events. When burglars break into your site or building, they will most likely trigger multiple detectors. Even if just one of these is an alarm, it’s unlikely that this would be the only occasion you hear them; there could easily have been other detections during their intrusion. When this happens, it will be verified by the system and sent to operators in your ARC who can investigate or respond (or directly contact police if they are ECHO-connected).

Adding CCTV Monitoring to verify alarms visually.

When you partner with our intrusion alarm and CCTV systems, it provides an additional layer of security for your facility or building by providing visual verification that incidents have been reported. In the event of police response, video footage from an ARC can provide valuable information to law enforcement. The monitoring system enables visual verification and detailed reporting that may help prevent further issues at your business location. The latest CCTV monitoring systems not only use AI to identify people or vehicles moving through your premises, but they also send a clip with timestamp and location data for easy tracking.

Remote Guarding Services and Remote Access

CCTV cameras used to be little more than glorified security guards with limited functionality. However, new technology is changing this traditional perception of the device! The company still needed physical on-site guards to monitor and manage the system and respond if they detected any footage where a threat was spotted.

CCTV and video surveillance are excellent ways for businesses to keep an eye on their property. With the latest technology, you can view footage from cameras located at any time without needing someone present 24/7! The state-of-the-art systems we’ve just learned about providing an easy way for you to have your home’s security monitored remotely and automatically.

When you need to store video footage on-site, the days are long gone. Now, cloud solutions provide an easy way to Monitoring and manage your surveillance system remotely without any hassle whatsoever. Monitoring and managing your security system from a mobile phone is now possible.

However, this does not solve the need for outsourcing security functions, nor does it bring peace of mind or flexibility with knowing a team is supporting your site. It is where CCTV Monitoring can help.

Remote Guard Tours and Video Safeguard

With our high-quality CCTV monitoring, you no longer need a security guard at your business. You can check-in remotely and monitor everything from anywhere! In an emergency, it’s crucial to have a guard that can respond quickly. Trained operators in ARCs can do more than react – they’re equipped with the skills necessary for virtual tours of your site or building and recording footage. They can be chaperones to make sure nobody enters or leaves the area alone. 

CCTV Monitoring also adds Video Safeguard to your monitored security solution. They are introducing a new way to provide security for your employees—beyond the site’s boundaries. With just one app, you can now monitor their location and ensure that they are safe from harm with our ARCs always on watch! 

Remote Access Control

CCTV monitoring is an essential part of any business’s security measures. With the ability to remotely monitor and control key access points, cameras offer companies many benefits, such as empowering them with full outsourcing capabilities. For example, the site needed to be accessed outside of office hours or if you’re looking for a physical guard replacement in your reception and car park.

Operators in remote ARCS can also manage your Access Control systems to respond quickly and use CCTV footage for visual verification before deciding whether or not someone should be let inside. Implementing a security service for your business is an investment that will pay off. You can often implement them at a reduced cost, too – providing many great options when it comes time for supplementing or replacing physical guard duty on-site. 

How to implement CCTV Monitoring for your Business Security plan?

With an ever-increasing number of cyberattacks, it’s more important than ever to have a security system that covers all angles.

The trend in modern business practices is toward combining state-of-the-art technology with professionally managed services that provide 360° protection from worst-case scenario threats – we expect this trend will continue as various technologies evolve at breakneck speeds. 

CCTV monitoring should be a core consideration when it comes to securing and safeguarding your assets, protecting people, and optimizing operations. With businesses relying on multiple systems more than ever, security monitoring services must act as the glue that brings everything together. The importance of security providers who can support the design and planning, installation, maintenance, and management of their company’s overall safety cannot be overlooked.

We recommend that you engage with a security expert as soon as possible who will be able to understand your specific needs and create the best bespoke solution for you. The flexibility and scalability of monitored security is something that we’ve seen with CCTV Monitoring.

How is Wireless Security Camera Changing the World?

Wireless Security Camera is Changing the World

Wireless security camera systems are the way of tomorrow. With their multiple benefits, these cameras will be a part of making your premises safe and secure. Wireless surveillance cameras and CCTV systems have come a long way in just the last few years, and they’re finally becoming affordable for most people. Over the past few decades, the world has changed a lot, and now everyone is equipped with modern technology. The first security cameras were not very effective, recording in low quality with blurry resolutions and the need for videotape recorders that stored all of their footage.

Now everything has changed completely. Wireless security cameras have been a significant advancement in communications and enhanced with the latest wireless technology. These high-quality devices can be installed to record HD 1080p resolution footage making them perfect for modern-day needs. The new technology allows you to record video directly from the camera without tapes or external drives. It is done by transmitting it digitally over the internet and saving it in a cloud storage service. 

Installing a standard wired security camera will require you to drill holes in the walls or ceilings and purchase mounting kits.

Wireless CCTV cameras allow for a fast and easy installation process without dealing with cables. With a wide range of available angles and mounting options, you can adapt the camera position to any deployment necessary for adequate CCTV protection.

Secured Footage

In the majority of cases, CCTV Monitoring Services save data directly to the cloud storage. You can easily monitor your premises and gain peace of mind by using CCTV systems. The best part is that they’re usually integrated with instant alert systems. 

It’s imperative to protect your home against criminals and thieves! Ensure they can’t get inside by installing a good quality CCTV system. Wireless CCTV cameras allow monitoring of your property with ease. The images are captured and backed up securely, making it impossible for someone who breaks in or commits a crime on-site to destroy data ever and get away without being caught. Thankfully, these security cameras use highly secure encryption algorithms for backing up the whole digital data. It means that your data is safe from physical criminals and cybercriminals – even when you’re not around. Their independent power sources and batteries can work even during a power outage.

Way more Flexible

Wireless security cameras are the future of home protection

The ability to install a camera without worrying about wires or cords makes this technology so great!

With traditional and standard CCTV cameras, there is no way to place them in desired locations because the wires restrict this. Certain parts of your property could be completely unmonitored, which poses a risk for security or privacy breaches. 

Wireless cameras are the way of tomorrow! They allow you to conceal your security system much more efficiently, and they won’t be noticed by dangling wires.

Easily Accessible

Wireless CCTV cameras are placed and deployed up to 10 miles away from the primary receiver without any signal interruption. The signal can pass through many substances, including walls, alloys, wood, glass, plastic and metal. The wireless camera lets you monitor your place remotely and view the feeds from anywhere.

This system guarantees the safety and security of your property. You can take off for a vacation or work remotely without worrying about what’s happening at home because the camera will monitor everything for you!


Wireless camera technology provides many distinct advantages over traditional methods. Wireless cameras are a significant technological advancement because they do not require cables or wires. You can easily break into establishments with fully wired conventional security systems with just a pair of wire cutters. They are easy to be rendered or tampered with. Criminals are always coming up with new ways to get around security measures. They’ve recently found that they can easily blind the latest corded surveillance cameras by merely disrupting power cables and then tampering with them. Wireless surveillance cameras are much more secure than their wired counterparts because they don’t have any wires or cords that criminals could attack.

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