Protect your security cameras from being hacked

Cybersecurity is a huge deal nowadays, and it seems like hackers are always one step ahead. If you are someone who has security cameras installed at your home or place of work, then this blog post is for you. Hackers are always lookout for opportunities to infiltrate your system and steal your data. You can protect against this by following the simple steps given ahead in this blog.

Can Security cameras really be hacked, and how?

YES, security cameras can be hacked, and it has already happened to many people before. There are various ways in which they can be hacked. For example, a hacker could access your computer system and then use it as a gateway into the security camera. They can also hack you from another security camera within range of yours.

In order for this to happen, hackers need an entry point – one way is through open wireless networks or door sensors that don’t have passwords on them. Another method is by hacking directly into the cameras themselves via their IP addresses, but these are protected with strong passwords, which makes it very difficult, if not impossible.

Tips to protect yourself

Technology has made it easier to keep your security cameras safe from hackers, but these people are also very cunning, so you need to do all that you can to protect yourself and your system from being hacked by these people.

The first and the most important thing you should do is change the password that comes with your security camera system – right now! Hackers are very good at guessing these passwords, and if they can guess it, they will use them to gain access into the network where your CCTV footage is stored. You need a strong password like which is impossible to guess and hence, unhackable for anyone but yourself.

How to set a strong password

Use strong passwords for each of your web accounts – this includes social media, email etc. When it comes to choosing secure passwords, there are certain rules you can follow which make it very hard for any hacker out there trying to break in:

  • Never use real words or normal sentences
  • Never include full names
  • Never use personal information
  • Make them at least eight characters long
  • Include upper and lower case letters
  • Include numbers/symbols instead of letters
  • Whenever possible, mix up the types of characters used

Use a password manager

Another way in which you can beef up on cyber security is by using a password manager. Password managers create unique complex passwords for each one of your websites or applications then store them in an encrypted file locally on your computer or phone. All you have to do is remember one password to access all of these passwords.

Bonus tip: A good free option you can use for this purpose is LastPass.

Set up two-factor authentication

It is vital to ensure that you have more than one layer of security to protect your systems, and that is why you should use two-factor authentication. What is it, and how does it work, you ask? Well, it is a security feature that uses your mobile phone and generates one-time passwords to log you into all of your accounts. The password can only be used once, making it unhackable by hackers as they would not have access to the second factor (that is, the OTP on your mobile).

This is also a great tip if you are someone who likes to sign in to your accounts on multiple devices. If every device has two-factor authentication enabled, then they will all need the same password, and that should be unhackable too!

Get the professionals to install your system for you

The process of installing your security cameras should be overseen by a professional CCTV monitoring firm that will make sure that everything gets set up properly and securely. This way, there are no chances of hackers gaining unauthorized backdoor entry into the system. When it comes to installation components like cabling or routers etc., always buy from reputable suppliers as cheaper versions may come with backdoors installed already. Using unhackable security cameras which have been manufactured indigenously minimizes the chances of any cyber security breaches through hardware/software vulnerabilities in third-party devices because they were not designed specifically for conditions where cyber-attacks are prevalent.

While choosing the right service provider for installation and maintenance services, always look up their clientele online, apart from their website, so that you know how much value they have delivered over time because this information tells a lot about the company’s expert workforce as well as its level of commitment towards customer satisfaction & safety during emergencies or different types of critical situations.

Why use our services?

Security Cameras are an easy target for cybercriminals, thus leaving your business vulnerable to hacking attacks or worse incidents such as robbery or vandalism, which could lead to physical damage or injury. Our expert team at CCTV Monitoring will keep watch over them every day, so there is no need to worry about your security cameras.

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